Great summary of sins of the father. I see these traits as the opposite what the typical Missourian would want in a governor, let alone friend, neighbor or fellow human. I am sure the apple does not fall far from the tree. Also, a big NO to Kehoe for me. Bill Eigel gets my vote.

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Look enough and it is easy to spot a globalist. Anyone high up in a Bush41/43 admin was there for a reason - the globalist agenda.

Now, on the son, Jay:

Jay Ashcroft SOS website said “As the state’s chief election officer, the secretary oversees federal and state elections, provides guidance to local election authorities and maintains and secures the Missouri Centralized Voter Registration system. As election integrity has always been a top priority, Ashcroft spearheaded the first National Election Security Summit held in St. Louis in 2018.” Participants included national, state and local election authorities, who will be joined by officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Election Assistance Commission and other experts.

And yet his oversight of Missouri’s Centralized Voter Registration system contracted with David Becker‘s Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). Becker is an experienced Democrat election lawyer who left the Justice Department before charges were brought against him. ERIC was funded under a Pew Charitable Trust project, Pew Center on The States. PEW is a left-wing philanthropic organization. The grant was provided by the George Soros-funded Open Society. Becker also went on to create the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) in 2016. He distributed $69.5 million in grants from Zuckerberg for the 2020 election using similar methods as CTCL (The Center for Tech and Civic Life) a Chicago, Illinois-based center-left election reform advocacy group formed in 2012.

Election fraud is a reality and ERIC is part of how it works. Through the extensive data ERIC collects under its contracts with States like Missouri, it can control who votes, who works the polls, and who counts the votes. These controls are self-evident within the ERIC contract when the contract language is reviewed in terms of outcomes, i.e., what purpose(s) could each of the contract’s requirements serve? Who else is provided the data and what do they do with it?

ERIC located 17 million new voters for the 2020 election, the most in the history of their organization. For comparison, they only found 5.7 million new voters in 2012, Obama’s reelection. Did these ‘new’ voters vote, or were their names used on mail-in ballots?

In Missouri voting is a right, it is voluntary and it is NOT a requirement. Missouri processes requests for a voter registration card when asked for one or if requested when obtaining a Missouri driver’s license. The process requires the person meet Missouri eligible voter registration laws. It provides registration instructions and the several ways one can register.

No Missouri state, county, or city resources, whether from tax dollars or State/Federal grant funds should be used in any way to canvas for new voters to register. To be clear on this matter, increasing the number of registered voters is not the function of government or its public employees. Neither should a state, county or city entity contract with a private or not-for-profit organization that requires it to spend any public resources, including employee time, to increase voter registration. Voter registration is a personal choice and when a government contacts a citizen requesting, suggesting or inviting them to register to vote it can be taken as harassment or intimidation and is certainly uncalled for. There must be a Missouri Law against such an illegal action, yet under contract with ERIC, Missouri was required to contact non-registered citizens every six months and reporting its results to ERIC.

I have more on the sloppy way counties come by their machines, those that work on them and the law that forbids anyone, even election officials from viewing electronic CVRs, which is the only way to validate the votes.

Ashcroft should not be anywhere close to another statewide office in my opinion.

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Great information as always girls. So many never ending rabbit holes to go down. Keep up the good work.

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