Jul 1Liked by Shield Maidens of MO

I live in Willard and by accident ran into this parade on my way home. Decided to stop by the republican booth in the park to have a chat with them afterwards. They actually had a few Eigel pamphlets on their table but they were all mostly Ashcroft. Senior Ashcroft was there. I spoke to another guy and told me "see this guy over here, that is Jay Ashcroft's dad" (BTW, Jay was not present). I said I had never heard of him then proceeded to ask what is Jay's plans to reduce taxes like Eigel has and has tried to put forth legislation in the senate. Got just about crickets after that point. Going to the Eigel rally on Tuesday in Springfield.

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Jun 30Liked by Shield Maidens of MO

I love that you posted this. This is the same Ashcroft volunteer that sent the text out saying the cars were being towed at the State Convention.

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On May 22, 2022 I mailed Ashcroft with copy to my rep and senator, Governor, senate pro tem, state speaker, and PILF pres. J. Christian Adams, a four page letter with 15 pages of attachments. My closing was 'attached are voter integrity explanations from your SOS website, ERIC articles and their web links and information on MO's purchase of voting machines.

He had no business signing MO on to ERIC and under contract harassing citizens every six months with a letter saying they should register to vote. He was using State resources to do this - to harass and intimidate. I even including the sordid background on KC and St. Louis voting equipment. I heard not one peep from those receiving my letter and documents.

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Jul 2Liked by Shield Maidens of MO

He has sued a Missouri resident for something similar. Him and Bailey.

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